This statement applies to Key Solution Venture Limited (referred to as “we”, “our company” or “us”).
In this statement, the terms “data subjects”, “you” or “customer” shall include visitors to the website, loan applicants and loan customers.
Also, in this statement, the terms “group”, “group company”, “group member” and/or “affiliate company” shall mean the group company or member or affiliate company or member of our company situate in Hong Kong or overseas (e.g. parent company in common or subsidiary company)
Key Solution Venture Limited (“we” or “our company”) recognizes the importance of protecting your personal and financial information when you visit our website (https://www.keysolutionventure.com/) (“this Website”). The following information is to help you understand the information collection practices at this Website.
By visiting this Website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use this Website. Please review the ‘Terms and Conditions’ to learn of other terms and conditions applicable to your use of this Website.
The content of this Statement shall apply to all data subjects and form part of the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement and/or any agreement or arrangement that the data subjects have or may enter into with Key Solution Venture Limited from time to time.
Collection of Personal Data
Personal data means any information relating to an individual from which the identity of the individual can be directly or indirectly ascertained. We may collect the following personal data, including but not limited to:
- name;
- age;
- gender;
- phone number and telecommunications company;
- HKID number;
- nationality or residency status;
- birth date;
- personal finance status;
- loan intention or purposes;
- income or assets information;
- education level;
- employment information;
- residential information;
- bank account details;
- communications between you and Key Solution Venture Limited;
- data regarding your visits to and use of Key Solution Venture Limited website.
Use of Personal Data
We aim to keep your personal data on our records accurate and up-to-date. The personal data of data subjects may be used by us for:
- Considering and processing loan applications and the daily operation of loan services;
- Conducting credit checks when customers apply for loan application for the first time or apply for loan again or apply for a renewal of loan;
- Ensuring ongoing credit worthiness and good standing of data subjects;
- Updating customers’ personal data irregularly to assist other financial institutions, including our associate company and our group company to conduct credit checks and to collect debts irregularly;
- Designing and developing loan services or other services for customers’ use;
- Determining amounts owed to or by customers;
- Conducting market research or internal analysis to provide better loan services;
- Complying with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedure, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information within us and our group company and/or any other use of data and information in accordance with any Group-wide programmes for compliance with sanctions or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities;
- Any other purposes relating to the purposes listed above.
We, our group company and affiliate company would like to use customers’ personal data for direct marketing purposes (as approved voluntarily by customers). We understand that we, our group company and affiliate company cannot use a customer's personal data for said purposes without first obtaining his or her consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for said purpose. As such, please note that:
The name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data of a customer held by us, our group company and affiliate company may be intra-transferred and be used in direct marketing from time to time; and the following class(es) of services, products and subjects may be marketed:
financial related services and products offered by us, our group and/or affiliate company; and reward, customer loyalty or privileges programmes and related services and products.
Customers have the option to decide on whether to allow their personal data to be used for direct marketing purposes. If a customer does not wish to allow us, our group company or affiliate company to use or provide to other personnels his/her personal data for use in direct marketing as described above, and also wants us, our group company or affiliate company to advise other personnels to stop using his/her personal data for such direct marketing purpose, customer may notify us at any time, without charge.
Disclosure of Personal Data
- All personal data held by our company will be kept confidential. Our company may disclose or transfer such information to third party service providers (including but not limited to mailing centers, telecommunications companies, telemarketing, direct sales agents, call centres, data processing companies and information technology companies) to achieve the aforementioned purposes. Personal data collected by our company in Hong Kong may be transferred to overseas.
- We may be required from time to time to disclose your personal data to governmental or judicial bodies or agencies or our regulators, or private parties in connection with a lawsuit, subpoena, investigation, similar proceedings or regulatory examination, such disclosure of information will only be conducted under property authority.
- All personal data held by Key Solution Venture Limited will be kept confidential to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data by any party, including our staff. All our staff and all third parties with permitted access to your personal data are specifically required to observe our confidentiality obligations.
- Companies may provide and disclose such data to any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including a group companies of the Company which has undertaken to keep said information confidential.
- By maintaining our commitment to these principles, we will ensure that we respect the inherent trust that you place in us.
Amendment to Privacy Policy
Key Solution Venture Limited reserves the right to amend, modify, add, or remove contents included in this Privacy Policy at any time for any reason. Any amendment shall be effective immediately upon posting. We suggest that you review this policy periodically for any updates. You acknowledge that by accessing our Website after amendment is made to this Privacy Policy, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy as modified.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or our privacy related practices, please kindly contact us via email (sales@keysolutionventure.com) or our hotline on (852) 3853 0188.
本聲明適用於Key Solution Venture Limited。(下稱本公司)。
Key Solution Venture Limited 明白客戶於使用本公司網頁 (https://www.keysolutionventure.com/) 時,其個人資料須加以保密,以保障客人的私隱不會遭到外洩。因此,本公司將嚴謹遵守私隱條例。客人到訪此網頁的同時,亦理解及同意本公司的的私隱政策。否則,客人可離開此網頁。詳情請參考使用條款。
本聲明之內容適用於所有資料當事人及為資料當事人不時與Key Solution Venture Limited 訂立的貸款協議及/或任何協議或安排的條款及細則的一部分。
- 姓名;
- 年齡;
- 性別;
- 電話號碼及電訊商;
- 身分證號碼;
- 國籍或居留身分;
- 出生日期;
- 個人財務狀況;
- 貸款目的;
- 收入或財產資料;
- 教育程度;
- 就業資料;
- 居住資料;
- 銀行戶口之詳情;
- 閣下與Key Solution Venture Limited 的對話內容;
- 有關閣下瀏覽及使用Key Solution Venture Limited 網站的資料。
- 處理和批核貸款申請以及貸款服務所涉及之日常運作;
- 客戶首次或再次申請貸款或申請續借貸款時進行信貸調查;
- 確保資料當事人持續的可靠信用度以及良好聲譽;
- 不定期更新客戶個人資料以協助其他金融機構,包括我們的關連公司及集團成員的公司作信用檢查及追討債務;
- 設計供客戶使用的貸款服務或其他服務;
- 計算我們與客人之間的欠款;
- 進行市場調查或內部分析以提供更優質貸款服務;
- 遵守有關於任何我們及成員公司內的資料及資訊共享及/或資料及資訊的任何其他使用(有關共享及使用,均依照符合對洗錢、恐怖分子資金籌集或其他不法活動的制裁、防止或偵測的任何我們及成員公司的計劃而進行)的任何責任、規定、政策、程序、措施或安排;
- 與上述用途有關的任何其他用途。
- 本公司可能會把該等資料披露或轉移給第三者服務供應商(包括但不限於代客寄件中心﹑電訊公司﹑電話行銷及直銷代理人﹑電話中心﹑數據處理公司及資訊科技公司),以達至上述之用途。本公司在香港所搜集的個人資料或會被轉移至香港境內外。
- 本公司可能隨時被要求向政府部門、司法機構或本公司的監管機構透露閣下的個人資料,然而本公司只會在適當權限下進行。
- 本公司持有的所有個人資料將予保密,以防止任何人(包括本公司職員)未經授權而取得閣下的個人資料。本公司並明確規定所有獲准取得閣下個人資料的本公司職員及第三方,均須遵守本公司的保密責任。
- 本公司可能會把該等資料提供及披露給任何對本公司有保密責任的人士,包括本公司集團內已承諾保持該資料保密的成員公司作個人資料使用一欄列出的用途。
- 本公司奉行上述原則,以體現本公司極為重視閣下對本公司的信任。
如客戶對本公司的私隱政策有任何疑問,請致電(852) 3853 0188或電郵至sales@keysolutionventure.com查詢。
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!